let me introduce myself…

I’m drawn to words and I love any art form that lets me see deeper into who a person is, what they believe and some of the ideals that make them who they are. I hope that this site becomes a place to explore such ideals with some other things thrown in there too. I’m not the best at writing about myself (my cover letters will prove that) so instead of a normal ‘about me’ page, I’ll just give you some random facts about myself to help you get an idea of who I am and what I’m about.

My first name is Praise. My middle name is Fadzai.

I am a first-generation African immigrant living on the eastern coast of Australia.

I like food so much that I think it counts as a personality trait.

My birthday is one of my favourite events of the year and I would spend a week celebrating if I could.

Legally Blonde is the best manifesto on willpower, intelligence and obliterating the box society puts you in based on 5% of your personality and I stand by that.

I have 4 siblings thatI not only love but also like as people (such a relief).

Ephesians 4 vs. 1 is my favourite bible verse. [John 15 vs. 12 is a close second].

A lexus is my dream car. I blame black panther and my childhood dreams of being an international spy.

With absolutely no preparation I could flawlessly deliver a 40 minute presentation on why Amy March and Theodore Lawrence deserved to be together.

The most impressive thing I know how to do is speak 2 languages. I have dreams of becoming a hyperpolyglot someday so that’s about to become more impressive.

I hope this becomes a place to come to for inspiration, book recommendations and to read some random girl’s streams of consciousness on topical issues. All this being said, I’m definitely a work in progress so I have biases, and blind spots and I will be wrong sometimes. I might even change my mind about some of the things I think as I grow. I am okay with that and I hope dear friend that you are too.  I’m still learning and I hope you’re okay with learning alongside me.

I hope you stick around.


p.s. if you’re wondering where this blog’s name came from, it was the quote “all who wander aren’t lost” and the emotions behind the song ‘wondering’ from hsmtmts