On Accountability and Queen Elizabeth II’s Legacy [as a Coloniser]
Life experience provides the context through which we see the world. Evidently, as a child of a colonised nation, my views of the monarchy are coloured by such experiences.
White Supremacy in Diet and Wellness Culture
There has come to be very little variation in what 'healthy' looks like. To be quite blunt, a lot of the wider society's views of what healthy food can be are meals that are mainstream for the white, non-immigrant portion of the population. 'White is best' seems to be what is preached in the majority of diet messaging, heavily implying that other cultures' foods are unhealthy or bad for you.
What ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Did Better than ‘Outlander’
Was Outlander trying to avoid bringing up some traumatic subjects for the sake of entertainment or did none of the show's writers deign it necessary to centre a non-white narrative?
Bridgerton; a Lesson in Colour-Blind Casting Done Wrong
The lack of conscious regard of how ingrained racial bias can be in a culture meant that in the case of Bridgerton, they missed the mark less with regards to casting, but more how race is discussed.
Don’t Revoke My Black Card
The black community has it hard enough on every continent without the addition of this. Immigrant children living in the diaspora have enough identity crises already.
Can We Please Leave Black Women Alone?
As a population group, black women are placed at the centre of many harmful narratives or we’re put up on a pedestal which doesn’t account for the complexities of our humanity.
Non-Passive Activism
Let's talk about bystanders. Specifically witnesses to events, who are present but aren't taking part in what is occurring.
Everything Wrong with ‘Where Hands Touch’
Believe me when I say we don’t have the time to deep dive into ALL the details of this movie. Consider this a brief walkthrough of memorable moments from this cinematic hot mess.
The Differences Between Cultural Appropriation, Appreciation and Assimilation
Appropriation is ‘the adoption or co-opting, usually without acknowledgement, of cultural identity markers associated with or origination in minority community by people or communities with a relatively privileged status.’